
Physical Exams

Physical Exams services offered in Clearwater, FL

Physical Exams

Physical exams are a great way to catch any health problems before they develop into something serious. If you need a physical exam, Arianne Byers, APRN, Holly Wilson, APRN, and the Gulf Coast Medical Clinic team in Clearwater, Florida, are family practitioners with many years of experience. They provide compassionate and comprehensive care that includes regular physical exams. Find out more by calling Gulf Coast Medical Clinic or book an appointment online today.

What is a physical exam?

A physical exam involves visiting Gulf Coast Medical Clinic for a comprehensive checkup to assess your general health and well-being.

Annual physicals are vital to preventive medicine. They help identify developing health issues and treat them early. 

In addition, you might require a physical exam for your job, to get insurance, before going on vacation, to pursue hobbies and play sports, or for other purposes.

What happens during a physical exam?

Physical exams vary depending on their purpose. However, most involve the same basic checks.

Your provider starts each physical exam by reviewing your medical history and discussing current symptoms or concerns. 

They tailor the physical exam to your needs. For instance, if you have a heart condition or diabetes, they look for signs that could indicate your condition’s worsening.

Next, your provider checks your vital signs, including:

  • Heart rate
  • Respiration rate
  • Temperature
  • Reflexes
  • Blood pressure
  • Heart and lung sounds

Your provider examines the external parts of your body and looks into your mouth, throat, ears, nose, and eyes. They feel your thyroid gland, carotid arteries, lymph nodes, joints, and liver. Next, they listen to your bowel sounds and test your muscle strength, balance, and nerve responses.

Evaluating your skin, hair, and nails can tell your provider much about your general health. They’ll also assess your mental health throughout the exam.

The final stage of your physical exam is taking blood and urine tests to check for:

  • Infection
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Cholesterol
  • Micronutrient deficiencies

Your provider might order diagnostic imaging procedures like an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. They may also arrange screening tests for cancer and other conditions.

What diseases could a physical exam detect?

There are many potentially life-threatening illnesses your provider can detect during a physical exam, including Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Many cause few or no symptoms until they reach an advanced state, so you wouldn’t realize you have them.

Your provider examines your skin for unusual lumps or lesions that you might not be able to see. They also perform tests that detect the earliest cell changes in various cancers. In these cases, an early diagnosis means you can start treatment promptly before the condition causes life-threatening consequences.

Call Gulf Coast Medical Clinic to arrange your physical exam or book an appointment online today.